A mountain lion began his day thinking about what he would eat. As he prowled the mountainside looking for prey, he heard a rustling noise and soon began following the scent of a deer. His mouth watered, his heart-rate increased as he began contemplating the chase and the kill. Soon the scent of the deer mixed with another scent, that of a rabbit. Realizing he was extremely hungry, the lion decided a quick meal of a rabbit would give him more strength to stalk and catch the deer. He follows the rabbit until he finds a new scent. Why does this scent of mouse have hints of human food? Had a mouse found an empty cabin? That would be quick food indeed, then he could go back to the deer. Following the mouse he begins to imagine all the delicacies man leaves around cabins; partial carcases, whole chickens, and sometimes pinned-up hog. Who needs to chase a deer, when prey is as easy as a hog in a fence? Indeed, the mouse does lead him toward a cabin, this will be an easy meal. As the mouse nears the cabin the lion notices carrion lying on the ground, taking a careful look around he decides no human is near. He grabs the bait and finds himself trapped in a snare.
How many times are we like the mountain lion? How many times do we allow the distractions of the easy way prevent us from reaching our goal?!
The apostle Paul says, “This one thing I do?” (Phil 4:10-16). His one thing is focusing on Christ and the reward of heaven.
How do you stay focused?
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